Parental involvement is an important component in a student’s success in school. The board encourages parents to become involved in their child’s education to ensure the child’s academic success. The board will:
- The board will involve parents in the development of the Title I plan school review twice each year. One meeting to take place at the first of each new school year and a second meeting to take place at the end of each school year to receive community comments on the plan for improvement.
- The board will allow for a district advisory committee to review all data on student performance and information on the CSIP to allow for community participation. The district advisory committee will suggest improvement to the board and will meet two or more times as a committee or as a community meeting. The superintendent will conduct community meetings each year to inform the community of the student performance scores found in the CSIP. The district advisory committee is appointed each year by the board to ensure parent involvement.
- The board will encourage community meetings and encourage additional information to be placed in the Diagonal Progress and Diagonal School website. The district will also use a radio station and other support groups such as the PTO, etc.
- The board will receive reports on Title I, Reading First and Early Intervention Programs to support each effort and consider teacher in-service to support Reading and Math based data collected on each subgroup of Title I students.
- Parents with low SES & LEP will be identified and invited to attend all meetings on Title I. Meetings will gather information for evaluation to design strategies for more effective parental involvement and to revise as necessary the parental involvement policies.
- Title I program will encourage volunteers from both parents and students and will encourage parents to attend all Title I meetings
The district shall involve parents in determining how to allocate reserved Title I funds in accordance with applicable laws.
The board will review this policy annually. The superintendent is responsible for notifying parents of this policy annually or within a reasonable time after it has been amended during the school year. It is the responsibility of the superintendent to develop administrative regulations regarding this policy.
Legal References: The Every Student Succeeds Act of 2015.
Cross References:
903.2 Community Resource Persons and Volunteers
Approved 11-04-04 Reviewed 05-09-18, 2-21-19,10-22-20, 9-15-21, 01/15/25 Revised 01/15/25