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  • 802.1 Maintenance Schedule

    The school district buildings and sites, including the grounds, buildings and equipment, will be kept clean and in good repair. Employees should notify the building principal when something is in need of repair or removal, including graffiti.


    Legal Reference: Iowa Code §§ 279.8; 280.3, .14.

    Cross Reference:
    502.2 Care of School Property/Vandalism
    502.5 Student Lockers
    802 Maintenance, Operation and Management
    804.1 Facilities Inspections


    Approved 11-15-04      Reviewed 11-16-09  6-19-19        Revised



  • 905.1R2 ICN Room Use Regulation

    The ICN is a statewide telecommunications network designed primarily to enhance learning opportunities for students, employees and board members. The school district recognizes that it is not the only authorized user of the ICN and other users will frequently be using the school district's ICN facilities. Sponsored and authorized users of the ICN must comply with state and federal law in using the ICN.

  • 802.6 Vandalism

    The board believes everyone should treat school district buildings and property with respect for the benefit of the education program.  All users of school district property are required to treat it with care.  Employees discovering property damage or vandalism should report it to their building principal as soon as possible.

  • 302.5 Superintendent Evaluation

    The board will conduct an ongoing evaluation of the superintendent's skills, abilities, and competence.  At a minimum, the board will formally evaluate the superintendent on an annual basis.  The goal of the superintendent's formal evaluation is to ensure the education program for the students is carried out, promote growth in effective administrative leadership, clarify the superintendent's role, clarify the immediate priorities of the board, and develop a working relationship between the board and the superintendent.

  • 302.8 Superintendent Consulting/outside Employment

    The superintendent's position is considered full-time employment. The board expects the superintendent to give the responsibilities of the position precedence over other employment. The superintendent may accept consulting or outside employment for pay as long as, in the judgment of the board, the work is conducted on the superintendent's personal time and it does not interfere with the performance of the superintendent's duties. 

  • 802.4R2 Capital Assets Management System Defintions

    Back trending/standard costing - an estimate of the historical original cost using a known average installed cost for like units as of the estimated addition/ acquisition date. This cost is only applied to the capital assets initially counted upon implementation of the capital assets management system when the historical original cost cannot be determined. It is inappropriate to apply the back trending/standard costing method to any capital assets acquired after the assets management system implementation date.


  • 902.3 News Releases

    The superintendent will determine when a news release about internal school district and board matters will be issued. In making this determination, the superintendent will strive to keep the media and the school district community accurately and objectively informed. Further, the superintendent will strive to create and maintain a positive image for the school district. It is the responsibility of the superintendent to approve news releases originating within the school district prior to their release.

  • 903.1 School-Community Groups

    The board values the participation and the support of school district-community groups, including, but not limited to, the booster club and parent-teacher organizations, which strive for the betterment of the school district and the education program.  The board will work closely with these groups.


    Prior to any purchase of, or fund raising for the purchase of goods or services for the school district, the group will confer with the superintendent to assist the group in purchasing goods or services to meet the school district's needs.


  • 206.1 President

    It is the responsibility of the board president to lead a well-organized board in an efficient and effective manner.  The board president will set the tone of the board meetings and, as the representative of the consensus of the board, speak on behalf of the board to the public. 

    The president of the board is elected to serve a one-year term by a majority vote at the organizational meeting in odd-numbered years, or, in even-numbered years, at a regular meeting held between twelve to thirteen months after the most recent organizational meeting.


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