- 700 Purpose of Non-Instructional and Business Services
- 701.1 Depository of Funds
- 701.2 Transfer of Funds
- 701.3 Financial Records
- 701.4 Governmental Accounting Practices and Regulations
- 702 Cash in School Buildings
- 703.01 Budget Planning
- 703.2 Spending Plan
- 704.02 Sale of Bonds
- 704.1 Local - State - Federal - Miscellaneous Revenue
- 704.3 Investments
- 704.4 Gifts - Grants - Bequests
- 704.5 Student Activities Fund
- 705.1 Purchasing - Bidding
- 705.3 Payment for Goods and Services
- 706.1 Payroll Periods
- 706.2 Payroll Deductions
- 706.3 Pay Deductions
- 707.2 Treasurer's Annual Report
- 707.3 Publication of Financial Reports
- 707.4 Audit
- 707.5 Internal Controls
- 708 Care, Maintenance and Disposal of School District Records
- 709 Insurance Program
- 710.1 School Food Program
- 710.2 Free or Reduced Cost Meals Eligibility
- 710.3 Vending Machines
- 711.05 Transportation of Nonresident and Nonpublic School Students
- 711.1 Student School Transportation Eligibility
- 711.2 Student Conduct on School Transportation
- 711.3 Student Transportation for Extracurricular Activities
- 711.4 Summer School Program Transportation Service
- 711.6 Transportation of Nonschool Groups
- 711.7 School Bus Safety Instruction
- 711.8 Transportation in Inclement Weather
- 711.9 District Vehicle Idling