302.7 Superintendent Civic Activities

The board encourages the superintendent to be involved in the school district community by belonging to school district community organizations and attending and participating in school district community activities. 

It is the responsibility of the superintendent to become involved in school district community activities and events.  It is within the discretion of the board to pay annual fees for professional organizations and activities. 

NOTE:  School districts can only expend funds for public purpose.  School districts that pay the annual fee or dues for civic activities should document why the expense is a legitimate expenditure and need to have this policy.  School district not paying these fees or dues, don’t need the policy.


Legal Reference:   Iowa Code § 279.8.

Cross Reference:  302.3 Superintendent Salary and Other Compensation 

                              303.8 Administrator Civic Activities 


Approved 10-17-05      Reviewed 9-19-05, 7-21-10 9-18-19, 5/18/22      Revised 9-19-05, 5/18/22